Upper Dolpo Trek - 28 Days

Trip Facts
  • Trip Grade Technical Challenging
  • Destination Nepal
  • Max. Altitude 5250 M
  • Trip Style Trekking
  • Trip Type Solo or Group
  • Best Time All season


Enjoy a life-changing adventure in the Himalayas with this challenging 28-day Upper Dolpo trek. Get ready for:

  • Unveiling the Secrets of Upper Dolpo: Explore this remote region, one of the most isolated pockets in Nepal.
  • Trekking the High Himalayas: Challenge yourself with high-altitude hikes, conquering dramatic mountain passes like Niwar La.
  • Witnessing Breathtaking Scenery: Immerse yourself in the beauty of snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and unique high-altitude landscapes.
  • Discovering the Deepest Lake in Nepal: Reach the iconic Phoksundo Lake, a jewel nestled amidst the mountains.
  • Experiencing Ancient Culture: Visit historic monasteries like Shey Gompa and interact with the local Dolpo people, known for their unique traditions.

This trek is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are unparalleled.

This 28-day adventure is designed for experienced trekkers seeking the ultimate challenge in the Himalayas. The Upper Dolpo Trek takes you through some of the most remote and breathtaking regions of Nepal, offering stunning mountain scenery, high passes, ancient monasteries, and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique culture of the Dolpo people.

Trip Itinerary

Remember, this is just a suggestion! Feel free to tailor the plan to fit your needs and interests. The following plan provides a framework for your Upper Dolpo trek, but it can be customized to your fitness level, desired camping locations, and cultural experiences.

  • Day 1:Arrival in Kathmandu
  • Day 2:Sightseeing Kathmandu & pre-trek briefing
  • Day 3:Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara
  • Day 4:Pokhara Valley sightseeing
  • Day 5:Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom & trek to Dhangarjung
  • Day 6:Trek from Dhangarjung to Sangda
  • Day 7:Trek to Sangda Phedi
  • Day 8:Trek from Niwar La Phedi to Yak Kharka
  • Day 9:Trek from Yak Kharka to Chharka Village
  • Day 10:Trek from Chharka to Chanla Phedi
  • Day 11:Trek from Chanla Phedi to Do Tarap
  • Day 12:Exploration of Dho Tarap region.
  • Day 13:Trek from Do Tarap to Pangjang Khola Dovan
  • Day 14:Trek from Pangjang Khola Dovan to Tinje Gaon
  • Day 15:Trek from Tinje Gaon to Shimen Gaon
  • Day 16:Trek from Shimen Gaon to Koma
  • Day 17:Trek from Koma to Saldang
  • Day 18:Trek from Saldang to Shey Gompa
  • Day 19:A day to explore Shey Gompa.
  • Day 20:Trek from Shey Gompa to Lar Tsa
  • Day 21:Trek from Lar Tsa to Ringmo/Phoksundo Lake
  • Day 22:Trek from Phoksundo Lake to Sanduwa
  • Day 23:Trek from Sanduwa to Chhepka
  • Day 24:Trek from Chhepka to Dunai
  • Day 25:Trek from Dunai to Jhupal
  • Day 26:Fly to Kathmandu via Nepalgunj.
  • Day 27:Leisure day in Kathmandu.
  • Day 28:Departure from Tribhuvan International Airport.

You'll arrive in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, situated at an elevation of 1400 meters. You'll likely be transferred to your hotel where you can check in and relax after your journey.

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

This day is dedicated to exploring Kathmandu. You can visit historical sites like temples, palaces, and squares that showcase Nepal's rich culture. In the evening, you'll attend a pre-trek briefing. This briefing is crucial as it will cover important details about the trek, logistics, safety information, and what to expect in the coming days.

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

 Here, you'll trade the bustling city life for a scenic journey. You'll drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara, a beautiful lakeside town nestled in the mountains, at an elevation of approximately 900 meters. The drive is estimated to take 6-7 hours, offering stunning views of the Himalayas along the way.

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude900 M

 Pokhara offers a chance to relax and take in the mountain scenery. You can explore the Phewa Lake by boat, visit viewpoints like Sarangkot for panoramic views of the Annapurna range, or simply stroll around the lakeside enjoying the atmosphere.

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude900 M

The adventure truly begins! You'll take a short flight from Pokhara to Jomsom, a gateway town to the Upper Dolpo region. Jomsom sits at an altitude of around 2700 meters. After landing, you'll enjoy your first trek to Dhangarjung, a village located at 3175 meters. This initial trek is estimated to take 6-7 hours.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,175 M

Today's trek promises a beautiful mix of cultural immersion and stunning natural beauty! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Route: The trail will take you through enchanting forests, offering a refreshing change from the high-altitude landscapes of previous days.
  • Cultural Landmarks: Keep an eye out for Tibetan monasteries and other cultural sites along the way. These provide a glimpse into the unique heritage of the region.
  • Destination: Sangda village (3,800 meters) will be your overnight stop.
  • Highlights:
    • Phoksundo Lake: The excitement builds as you ascend towards Phoksundo Lake, the crown jewel of Dolpo. The anticipation will be worth it!
    • Breathtaking Views: Reaching a ridge at 3,800 meters will grant you a spectacular panoramic view of Phoksundo Lake. Prepare to be amazed by the beautiful waters hiding in the mountains.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Descent: After enjoying the view, you'll descend to Sangda village for your overnight stay. The descent might be easier on your knees compared to climbing.
  • Comfortable Accommodation: Tea houses in Sangda likely offer basic but comfortable accommodation after a long day of trekking.

Tips for Today:

  • Carry your camera: You'll want to capture photos of the monasteries, forests, and of course, the awe-inspiring view of Phoksundo Lake.
  • Enjoy the local culture: Interact with the locals you meet along the way if possible. A simple greeting or a smile can go a long way.
  • Relax and unwind: After a challenging hike, take time to relax and enjoy the serenity of Sangda village before tomorrow's adventures.
  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,800 M

Today's trek will be a challenging but rewarding one! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Destination: Niwar La Phedi (4,060 meters)
  • Highlights:
    • Panoramic views of Sonam Kang, Shey Shikar (6,239 meters), and Kang Chunne (6,443 meters) - prepare to be amazed by the Himalayan giants!
    • Dramatic landscape - rugged and barren terrain will offer a unique experience.
  • Challenges:
    • High altitude - be prepared for the physical demands of trekking at 4,060 meters. Proper acclimatization is crucial.
    • Rugged trail - uneven terrain may require sure footing and good balance.
  • Campsite: You'll be setting up camp overnight at Niwar La Phedi, surrounded by the majestic mountains.

Here are some additional tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable day:

  • Dress in layers: The temperature can vary throughout the day, so be prepared to adjust your clothing.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, especially at high altitudes.
  • Pace yourself: Take your time and listen to your body. Don't hesitate to take breaks to rest and enjoy the scenery.
  • Enjoy the views! Today's hike offers some of the most spectacular panoramas of the entire trek. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Himalayas.
  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,060 M

Today's trek will be an epic adventure, conquering two high mountain passes and reaching new heights! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Challenge Accepted: Brace yourself for a challenging day as you tackle Niwar La Pass (5,250 meters) and Tudje La Pass (5,185 meters). These high-altitude passes will demand a good level of fitness and proper acclimatization.
  • Majestic Views: The reward for your effort will be incredible! The trail offers up-close views of the mighty Himalayas, making for unforgettable panoramas.
  • Destination: Yak Kharka (altitude to be confirmed, likely around 4,000 meters) will be your destination for an overnight stay.

Here are some additional tips to ensure you have a safe and successful day:

  • Early Start: Consider an early start to give yourself ample time to complete the challenging climbs and enjoy the scenery.
  • Layer Up: The temperature can vary significantly throughout the day, so dress in layers that you can easily adjust.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, especially at high altitudes.
  • Electrolytes: Consider adding electrolyte supplements to your water to replenish essential minerals lost through sweat.
  • Pace Yourself: Don't hesitate to take breaks as needed. Listen to your body and take your time, especially during the ascents.
  • Celebrate the Achievement: Reaching these high passes is a significant accomplishment. Take a moment to celebrate your success and enjoy the well-deserved rest at Yak Kharka.

By following these tips and having the right mindset, you'll be well on your way to conquering today's challenging but rewarding trek!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,250 M

Today's trek promises a diverse landscape with cultural immersion and high-altitude challenges. Here's a breakdown:

  • Morning:

    • You'll begin by reaching Rakpa Village, a chance to witness the local lifestyle in the Lower Dolpo region.
    • Brace yourself for the ascent to Shey La Pass (5,010 meters). This will be a physically demanding climb, so pace yourself and enjoy the mountain vistas as you go.
  • Afternoon:

    • After conquering the pass, you'll descend to Namgung Village, offering a welcome change in altitude and a chance to relax.
    • Following Namgung Village, you'll tackle Dolma La Pass. This might be another challenging climb, so remember to take breaks and stay hydrated.
  • Evening:

    • The trail then takes a steeper, narrower path as you ascend to Shey. This section might require sure footing and good balance.
    • Finally, you'll reach Chharka Village, your campsite for the night. Here, you can unwind and enjoy the serenity of the Himalayas.
  • Optional Activity:

    • If you have the energy and interest, you can visit the local monastery, Tsakang Gompa. This offers a glimpse into the religious and cultural heritage of the region.

Tips for Today:

  • Layer up: Temperatures can vary throughout the day, so be prepared to adjust your clothing accordingly.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially during climbs, to avoid dehydration.
  • High-energy snacks: Pack plenty of high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Walking poles: Consider using trekking poles for added stability, especially on descents.
  • Camera: Capture the beautiful landscapes, villages, and potentially the monastery you visit.

By following these suggestions and maintaining a positive attitude, you'll be prepared to tackle the diverse landscapes and challenges of today's exciting trek!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,010 M

Today's journey will be an adventure of ascents, descents, and cultural encounters! Here's a breakdown to help you plan:

The Route:

  • Shey La Pass (5,010 meters): Brace yourself for the physical challenge of conquering this high-altitude pass. Take your time, enjoy the views, and prioritize your safety.
  • Descent and Villages: You'll descend briefly before reaching Namjung Village. Following the Namjung Khola River, you'll pass by Karang Village and continue downhill to Torak Sumdo. Enjoy the change in scenery and the potential interactions with locals in the villages.
  • Yanger Gompa (3,750 meters): Ascend to Yanger Gompa, a Buddhist monastery offering a cultural and spiritual experience. Take in the serene atmosphere and impressive views (if weather permits).
  • Mugoan Village and Mushi La Pass (5,030 meters): Descend to Mugoan Village for a break before tackling the demanding climb up Mushi La Pass. Remember to stay hydrated and conserve energy for the ascent.
  • Villages and Overnight Stay: The later part of the trek involves traversing through Shimen Village (4,010 meters), Pha (4,090 meters), and finally Tinje Village. You'll camp overnight at Chanla Phedi.

Tips for Today:

  • Layer Up: Be prepared for varying temperatures throughout the day with clothes you can easily adjust.
  • Hydration and Snacks: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially during climbs. Pack high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Pace Yourself: Don't hesitate to take breaks, listen to your body, and enjoy the journey.
  • Walking Poles: Consider using trekking poles for added stability, especially on ascents and descents.
  • Open Mind and Camera: Be open to experiencing the local culture in the villages. Capture photos of the landscapes, gompa, and any interesting encounters you might have.

Overall, today will be a challenging but rewarding day. Embrace the adventure and the diverse experiences this trek offers!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,030 M

Today's trek involves a challenging climb followed by a welcome descent to your campsite. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Morning:

    • Gear up for a challenging ascent to Charkala, reaching 4,920 meters. This will be a test of your physical fitness, so pace yourself and take breaks as needed. Enjoy the mountain vistas that will likely unfold as you climb.
    • The trail today is uneven and narrows as you proceed, so be sure to wear sturdy hiking boots and watch your footing carefully.
  • Afternoon:

    • After conquering the climb, you'll descend into the valley, offering a much-needed change in altitude and a more relaxed pace.
    • The trail will likely become wider and easier to navigate on the descent.
  • Evening:

    • Finally, you'll reach Do Tarap, a charming village nestled in the valley. This will be your campsite for the night, providing a chance to relax and unwind after a challenging day.

Tips for Today:

  • Walking poles: Using trekking poles can provide additional stability and support, especially during the ascent.
  • Sturdy footwear: Good quality hiking boots with good ankle support are crucial for uneven terrain.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration, especially during the climb.
  • Snacks: Pack plenty of high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the trek.
  • Enjoy the views: Take breaks to admire the surrounding mountains as you climb.

By following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude, you'll be well on your way to conquering today's challenging but rewarding climb and enjoying the serene beauty of Do Tarap!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,920 M

Today's a well-deserved rest day from the strenuous climbs, offering a chance to explore the unique culture and beauty of Dho Tarap Valley! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Cultural Immersion: Dho and Tarap villages are some of the highest human settlements in the world. Today, you'll have the opportunity to interact with the local Khamba people, originally from Tibet. Witness their unique way of life and learn about their Bon Po form of Buddhism, a distinct practice compared to mainstream Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Scenic Exploration: Enjoy on a leisurely exploration of the Dho Tarap Valley. Take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, including the turquoise blue jewel - Shey Phoksundo Lake. Hike to viewpoints, visit local monasteries (if accessible), or simply relax and soak in the serenity of the valley.
  • Overnight Stay: You'll be spending another night in Do Tarap, allowing you to further explore the village or simply unwind after the challenging hikes of the previous days.

Tips for Today:

  • Comfortable Clothing: Choose comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for exploring the village and surrounding areas.
  • Camera: Capture photos of the unique landscapes, people, and any cultural aspects that interest you.
  • Open Mind and Respect: Be respectful of the local customs and traditions. A simple greeting or a smile can go a long way in fostering positive interactions.
  • Local Crafts: Consider supporting the local economy by purchasing souvenirs or handcrafted items from the villagers (if available).
  • Journaling: Reflect on your experiences so far. Note down your thoughts and feelings about the trek and the cultural encounters in your journal.

Enjoy this well-deserved rest day! Take this opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Dho Tarap Valley, learn about its unique culture, and recharge for the adventures ahead.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4040 M

Today's trek promises a challenging climb rewarded with breathtaking views, followed by a descent through several villages. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Morning:

    • Gear up for a significant ascent as you climb further up the Dho Tarap Valley towards Tok-Khyu. Be prepared for a potential climb exceeding 5,000 meters, making it a physically demanding part of the trek.
    • The reward for your effort will be stunning! Brace yourself for breathtaking vistas of the surrounding Himalayan peaks as you conquer the pass. Capture panoramic photos if possible!
  • Afternoon:

    • After reaching the high point, you'll descend towards the Payon Khola River, offering a welcome change in altitude. The descent will likely be easier on your knees compared to the climb.
    • The trail will then take you through a series of villages: Namjung, Mungaon, Shimen, Tinje, Rakpa, and finally Norbulung. This provides an opportunity to witness the local way of life in the Lower Dolpo region.
  • Evening:

    • You'll reach your campsite for the night at Pangjang Khola Dovan. Enjoy a well-deserved rest after a challenging but rewarding day.

Tips for Today:

  • Layer Up: Temperatures can vary throughout the day, so be prepared to adjust your clothing accordingly.
  • Hydration and Snacks: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially during the climb. Pack high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Pace Yourself: Don't hesitate to take breaks as needed, especially during the ascent. Listen to your body and take your time to enjoy the scenery.
  • Walking Poles: Consider using trekking poles for added stability, especially on descents.
  • Open Mind and Camera: Be open to experiencing the local culture in the villages you pass through. Capture photos of the landscapes, people, and any interesting encounters you might have.

By following these suggestions, you'll be well on your way to conquering today's challenging but rewarding trek and experiencing the unique charm of the Lower Dolpo villages.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4480 M

Today's trek will involve a change in altitude and a beautiful descent, followed by a relaxing evening in Tinje Gaon. Here's a breakdown:

  • Morning:

    • The day begins with a descent to Musigaon, a welcome change in altitude after yesterday's climb. Enjoy the easier pace and potentially cooler temperatures as you descend.
  • Midday Challenge:

    • Brace yourself for the challenge of crossing Lnag-La Pass. While the exact elevation details are debated (potentially around 5,300 meters), it will still be a significant climb. Remember to take your time, stay hydrated, and enjoy the mountain vistas (weather permitting).
  • Afternoon:

    • After conquering the pass, you'll embark on a delightful downhill trek for approximately four hours. This extended descent will likely be easier on your knees compared to climbs and will allow you to appreciate the surrounding landscapes.
  • Evening:

    • Finally, you'll reach your destination for the night - Tinje Gaon, a charming village where you'll set up camp. Enjoy a well-deserved rest and savor the tranquility of the setting.

Tips for Today:

  • Layers for Descent: Even though you'll be descending, pack a light layer in case temperatures drop as you reach lower altitudes.
  • Hydration and Snacks: Stay hydrated throughout the day, especially during the climb. Pack enough high-energy snacks to keep you fueled.
  • Walking Poles: Consider using trekking poles for added stability and support, particularly during the descent.
  • Footwear Check: Ensure your hiking boots are in good condition and comfortable for extended downhill sections.
  • Relaxation: Tonight, take time to relax, reflect on your experiences so far, and prepare for the next leg of your adventure.

Embrace the diverse landscapes and challenges that today's trek offers! Enjoy the descent, conquer Lnag-La Pass, and look forward to a peaceful night in Tinje Gaon.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,150 M

Today sounds like a relaxing and scenic journey downhill! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Relaxing Descent: Enjoy a leisurely downhill trek for approximately six hours. This will be a welcome change after the challenging climbs of the previous days. Let your legs loosen up and take in the surrounding landscapes as you descend.

  • Local Culture: Keep an eye out for yak caravans, horses, and mules transporting goods. This is a traditional way of life in the region, and encountering them adds a touch of local culture to your trek.

  • Destination: Your journey culminates in Shimen Gaon, a charming village nestled amidst the mountains. You'll set up camp here for the night, providing a comfortable base to unwind and enjoy the serenity of the Himalayas.

Tips for Today:

  • Lighter Pack: Since it's primarily downhill, you might consider repacking your bag and leaving any unnecessary items behind with the porters to lighten your load.
  • Enjoy the Views: The downhill trek offers a different perspective of the landscape you might have seen while climbing. Take this opportunity to capture panoramic photos and appreciate the beauty of the Himalayas.
  • Hydration: Even though it's downhill, staying hydrated is important. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Footwear Check: Ensure your hiking boots are comfortable, especially for extended downhill sections. You might consider using gaiters to prevent debris from entering your boots.
  • Socialize with fellow trekkers: Tonight in Shimen Gaon might be a good opportunity to relax and socialize with your fellow trekkers, share stories about your experiences, and build camaraderie.

I hope you have a delightful downhill trek today and enjoy a restful night in Shimen Gaon!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,870 M

Today's trek will challenge you with another mountain pass but reward you with a scenic descent and a new campsite. Here's a breakdown:

  • Morning:

    • Gear up for the ascent to Shimen La Pass, reaching 4270 meters. While not the highest pass on the trek, it will still require effort and good physical condition. Take your time, breathe deeply, and enjoy the mountain vistas that unfold as you climb.
  • Afternoon:

    • After conquering the pass, you'll embark on a beautiful downhill trek for approximately five hours. This descent will likely be easier on your knees and allow you to appreciate the changing landscapes.
  • Evening:

    • Your destination for the night is Koma, a village where you'll set up camp. Enjoy a well-deserved rest and savor the tranquility of the setting, surrounded by the beauty of the Himalayas.

Tips for Today:

  • Layer Up: Temperatures can vary throughout the day, especially with the climb. Be prepared to adjust your clothing accordingly.
  • Hydration and Snacks: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially during the climb. Pack high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Pace Yourself: Don't hesitate to take breaks as needed, especially during the ascent. Listen to your body and enjoy the scenery.
  • Walking Poles: Consider using trekking poles for added stability and support, particularly during the climb and descent.
  • Mindset: Focus on the accomplishment of conquering another pass and the beautiful descent that awaits you.

Embrace the challenge of Shimen La Pass and look forward to a relaxing night in Koma!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,270 M

Today's trek promises a scenic journey through the Nankhang Valley, culminating in a night spent in the historic village of Saldang. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Journey North: Embark on a trek northward, gradually approaching the Tibetan border. As you make your way through the Nankhang Valley, keep an eye out for the changing landscapes and the unique charm of the high-altitude environment.

  • Nankhang Valley Beauty: Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the Nankhang Valley. Lush meadows, dramatic rock formations, and the possibility of encountering local herders with their livestock might paint a picturesque scene.

  • Kanjiroba Views: Be prepared to be mesmerized by the sight of Mt. Kanjiroba, a majestic peak towering over the valley. Capture photos to commemorate this breathtaking moment!

  • Saldang Arrival: Your destination for the night is Saldang, a village steeped in Tibetan culture and history. You'll set up camp here, providing a comfortable base to explore the village and experience its unique atmosphere.

Tips for Today:

  • Camera: This is a picture-perfect day! Make sure your camera is fully charged and ready to capture the beauty of the Nankhang Valley and Mt. Kanjiroba.
  • Sun Protection: The higher altitude might expose you to stronger sunlight. Pack sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen to protect yourself.
  • Local Interaction: Saldang is a village rich in culture. If there are opportunities to interact with locals respectfully, embrace the experience and learn more about their way of life.
  • Rest and Relaxation: Tonight in Saldang, take time to relax after the trek, enjoy a delicious meal, and prepare for the next leg of your adventure.

Enjoy the scenic journey through the Nankhang Valley and look forward to exploring the historic village of Saldang!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,770 M

Today's trek will be a true highlight, conquering a high-altitude pass with stunning panoramic views and a unique campsite experience! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Challenge Accepted: Brace yourself for the ascent to Sela La Pass, a formidable challenge standing at 5095 meters. This will be the highest point of your entire Upper Dolpo trek, demanding a good level of fitness and proper acclimatization. Take your time, breathe deeply, and savor the accomplishment with every step.

  • Panoramic Paradise: Reaching the top of Sela La Pass will be a moment to remember. Be prepared for breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding snow-capped peaks. The Himalayas will stretch out before you in all their glory, making this a truly unforgettable experience. Capture photos to commemorate this achievement!

  • Unique Campsite: Tonight's campsite won't be your typical one. You'll be setting up camp at the high altitude of Sela La Pass itself, surrounded by majestic mountains. This will be a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and serenity of the high Himalayas under a blanket of stars.

Important Considerations for Tonight:

  • Weather: Be prepared for colder temperatures and potentially harsher wind conditions at high altitude. Pack accordingly with extra layers, a warm hat, and proper gloves.
  • Shelter: Ensure your tent is suitable for high-altitude conditions and wind. Set it up securely and weigh it down with rocks if necessary.
  • Hydration: While it might be chilly, staying hydrated is still important. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even at camp.
  • Rest and Recuperation: Reaching this high point will require significant effort. Spend the evening resting, replenishing your energy, and enjoying the unique atmosphere of your high-altitude campsite.

Tips for Today:

  • Early Start: Consider an early start for the climb to Sela La Pass to allow ample time for conquering the ascent, enjoying the views, and setting up camp before nightfall.
  • Snacks and Fluids: Pack plenty of high-energy snacks and stay hydrated throughout the climb.
  • Warm Clothing: Layers are key! Wear thermals, a fleece jacket, and a waterproof outer layer.
  • Headlamp: A headlamp will be essential for navigating after sunset at camp.
  • Sense of Adventure: Embrace the challenge and the unique opportunity to camp at such a high altitude!

Conquering Sela La Pass will be a monumental achievement on your Upper Dolpo trek. Savor the breathtaking views, the unique camp experience, and prepare for the descent and the next chapter of your adventure!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,500 M

Today sounds like a fascinating cultural immersion experience after the high-altitude challenge of yesterday! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Cultural Exploration: Take this opportunity to delve deeper into the rich culture and history of the Saldang region. Explore the village and surrounding areas, observe the local way of life, and interact with the residents respectfully if possible.

  • Shey Phoksundo Gompa: The highlight of the day will be visiting the ancient Shey Phoksundo Gompa, constructed in 1665. This monastery stands as a powerful testament to the region's Buddhist heritage and spiritual significance. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere, admire the architecture, and learn about the Gompa's history if a guide is available.

  • Respectful Interaction: Remember, you are a guest in this culturally rich area. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites like the Gompa. Be mindful of local customs and traditions, and ask permission before taking photos of people or religious objects.

Tips for Today:

  • Comfortable Clothing: Choose comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for exploring the village and monastery grounds.
  • Camera: Capture photos of the Gompa's architecture, interesting details, and surrounding landscapes (be mindful of restrictions on photographing people).
  • Journaling: Take some time to reflect on your cultural experiences and learnings today. Jot down your thoughts and feelings in your journal.
  • Small Gifts: Consider bringing small gifts like notebooks, pens, or candy to offer to local children (if appropriate).
  • Open Mind and Curiosity: Approach the day with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Be eager to learn about the local culture and traditions.

Enjoy this enriching cultural exploration day in Saldang! Make the most of your visit to the historic Shey Phoksundo Gompa and appreciate the unique heritage of the region.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,500 M

Today's trek involves conquering another high-altitude pass followed by a well-deserved descent and a riverside campsite. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Morning Challenge:

  • Brace yourself for the climb to Kangla La Pass, reaching a staggering 5360 meters. This will be a significant physical challenge demanding a good level of fitness and proper acclimatization. Take your time, breathe deeply, and celebrate your progress with every step.

Rewarding Descent:

  • After conquering the pass, you'll be rewarded with a beautiful descent towards the river. This will likely be easier on your knees and offer a welcome change in scenery. Enjoy the panoramic views as you descend and keep an eye out for changes in vegetation as you reach lower altitudes.

Riverside Camp:

  • Your destination for the night is Lar Tsa, a charming spot located near a river. Setting up camp here will provide a refreshing and scenic atmosphere to relax and unwind after a challenging climb. The sound of flowing water might lull you into a peaceful sleep.

Tips for Today:

  • Early Start: Consider an early start for the ascent to Kangla La Pass to allow ample time for the climb, enjoying the views from the top, and descending safely before nightfall.
  • Hydration and Snacks: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the climb and descent. Pack high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Warm Clothing: Even though you'll be descending, be prepared for colder temperatures at high altitudes. Layer up with thermals, a fleece jacket, and a waterproof outer layer.
  • Footwear: Ensure your hiking boots are in good condition and provide proper ankle support, especially for the descent.
  • Mindset: Focus on the accomplishment of conquering another high-altitude pass and the relaxing evening that awaits you at your riverside campsite.

Embrace the challenge of Kangla La Pass and look forward to a peaceful night at Lar Tsa!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,360 M

Today's trek is exciting! You'll be rewarded for your perseverance with the sight of the magnificent Phoksundo Lake, a highlight of the entire Upper Dolpo expedition. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Change of Pace: Today's trek is a welcome change compared to the high-altitude challenges of the previous days. The terrain will likely be less demanding, allowing you to relax and anticipate the beauty that awaits you.

  • Turquoise Jewel: As you approach Phoksundo Lake, brace yourself to be mesmerized by its stunning turquoise blue water. This unique lake is known for never completely freezing, even at its high altitude. Capture breathtaking photos and enjoy the serene atmosphere.

  • Lakeside Camp: Tonight, you'll be setting up camp by the shores of the magnificent Phoksundo Lake. Imagine waking up to the stunning view of the turquoise water surrounded by majestic mountains - a truly unforgettable experience!

Tips for Today:

  • Camera: Make sure your camera is fully charged and ready to capture the beauty of Phoksundo Lake from various angles.
  • Binoculars: If you have binoculars, bring them along to observe the surrounding landscapes and potentially spot wildlife.
  • Relaxation: Enjoy the less demanding trek today. Let your body recover from the previous challenging climbs and prepare to be awestruck by the beauty of Phoksundo Lake.
  • Journaling: Take time to reflect on your experience so far. Write about your thoughts and feelings as you witness the majestic Phoksundo Lake, a well-deserved reward for your efforts.
  • Respect the Environment: Since you'll be camping by the lake, be mindful of leaving no trace behind. Dispose of waste properly and avoid disturbing the natural environment.

Reaching Phoksundo Lake will be a significant milestone on your Upper Dolpo trek. Savor the breathtaking scenery, the serenity of the lakeside camp, and prepare for the next chapter of your adventure!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,730 M

Today's trek offers a scenic journey with a change in altitude and a touch of cultural experience! Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • The Descent: Enjoy a scenic descent from Ringmo towards Sanduwa. The trail nestled between the Kagmara Khola and Phoksundo Khola rivers provides a beautiful backdrop for your trek. Breathe in the fresh mountain air and appreciate the changing landscapes.

  • National Park Environs: As you trek, you'll likely pass through parts of the Shey Phoksundo National Park. Keep an eye out for diverse flora and fauna, and be mindful of park regulations.

  • Sanduwa Arrival: Your destination for the night is Sanduwa, a picturesque location with an army checkpoint. This might add a touch of cultural experience to your journey.

  • Campsite Setup: Tonight, you'll set up camp in Sanduwa, surrounded by the beauty of the Himalayas. Enjoy a well-deserved rest after the trek and savor the tranquility of the setting.

Tips for Today:

  • Comfortable Shoes: The descent might involve loose gravel or uneven terrain. Choose comfortable shoes with good ankle support.
  • Camera: Capture photos of the landscapes, rivers, and any interesting sights you encounter along the trail, including the national park if permitted.
  • Respectful Interaction: If you interact with the army personnel at the checkpoint, maintain a polite and respectful demeanor.
  • Waste Management: Since you'll be camping, be mindful of leaving no trace behind. Dispose of waste properly at designated spots.
  • Relaxation: Enjoy the beautiful scenery and the less demanding pace of today's trek. Sanduwa provides a charming location to relax and unwind before tomorrow's adventures.

Embrace the scenic descent, the potential cultural encounters, and look forward to a peaceful night in Sanduwa!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,038 M

Today's trek offers a welcome change of pace as you descend towards lower valleys, marking a farewell to the high mountains for now. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Downhill Farewell: Enjoy a scenic downhill journey as you follow the river southward. This will likely be easier on your knees and allows you to appreciate the changing landscapes from a different perspective. Take in the beauty of the lower foothills and valleys as you make your way down.

  • Following the River: The trail today follows a southward flowing river, which might provide a refreshing sound and potentially some beautiful sights along the way. Keep an eye out for interesting birds or local wildlife that frequent the riverside areas.

  • Chhepka Arrival: Your destination for the night is Chhepka, a village nestled amidst lower foothills. This marks a transition from the high-altitude terrains of Upper Dolpo. Set up camp here and enjoy a relaxing evening after the trek.

Tips for Today:

  • Lighter Pack: Since it's primarily downhill, consider repacking your bag and leaving any unnecessary cold-weather gear behind with the porters to lighten your load for the descent.
  • Footwear Check: While the downhill is easier, ensure your hiking boots are still comfortable, especially for uneven terrain.
  • Hydration: Even though it's downhill, staying hydrated is important. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Reflective Journaling: As you descend and transition to lower regions, take time to reflect on your experiences in your journal. Write about the challenges, the breathtaking sights, and the unique encounters you've had during your Upper Dolpo trek so far.
  • Farewell to High Altitude: Tonight in Chhepka, enjoy a farewell (for now) to the high mountains that dominated your journey. Savor the accomplishment of conquering several high passes and the unforgettable experiences in the Upper Dolpo region.
  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude2,680 M

Today's trek sounds delightful! Following the Bheri River promises a scenic journey with a moderate pace. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Riverside Ramble: Enjoy a leisurely trek alongside the Bheri River for approximately four hours. The sound of flowing water and the ever-changing riverside landscapes will likely create a tranquil and refreshing atmosphere.

  • Mountain Majesty: Even though you'll be transitioning to lower areas, Dunai is known for offering memorable views of the surrounding mountains. Keep an eye out for panoramic vistas, especially in the afternoon light. Capture photos to commemorate these breathtaking sceneries.

  • Dunai Destination: Your journey culminates in Dunai, a charming village nestled near the river. Set up camp here and prepare to be awestruck by the mountain views, especially around sunset.

Tips for Today:

  • Comfortable Pace: Since it's a moderate trek, enjoy a relaxed pace and take breaks whenever needed to appreciate the surroundings.

  • Birdwatching: The riverside environment might attract diverse birdlife. If you're interested, bring binoculars for a closer look.

  • Swimming (Optional): Depending on the water flow and safety considerations, ask your guide if swimming in the river is an option for a refreshing dip.

  • Socialize with Fellow Trekkers: Tonight in Dunai, enjoy socializing with your fellow trekkers, share stories about your experiences, and reminisce about the challenges and triumphs of the Upper Dolpo trek so far.

Embrace the scenic riverside walk, the captivating mountain views from Dunai, and look forward to a relaxing night!

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude2,050 M

Today is the final hurrah of your incredible Upper Dolpo trek! Here's a breakdown of what to expect on your journey back to Jhupal:

The Home Stretch:

  • Today's trek marks the final leg of your adventure. Enjoy a sense of accomplishment as you make your way back to Jhupal, the starting point of your Upper Dolpo expedition. The landscapes might seem familiar from your ascent, but you'll likely experience them with a new perspective after conquering high passes and witnessing breathtaking scenery.

Jhupal Arrival:

  • Your journey culminates back in Jhupal, where you'll set up camp for the night. This might be a bittersweet feeling - a sense of accomplishment for completing the trek, but also a touch of nostalgia for the unique experiences you've had in the Upper Dolpo region.

Tips for Today:

  • Reflective Mood: As you trek back, take time to reflect on the challenges you've overcome, the stunning landscapes you've witnessed, and the cultural encounters you've had.

  • Celebration (Optional): Tonight in Jhupal, consider celebrating your successful completion of the Upper Dolpo trek with your fellow trekkers and guides. Share stories, enjoy a special meal , and reminisce about the unforgettable adventure.

  • Farewell Ceremony (Optional): If there's a local tradition, you might participate in a small farewell ceremony thanking your guides and porters for their assistance throughout the trek.

Looking Ahead:

Tomorrow, you'll likely depart Jhupal and head back to Kathmandu. As you re-enter the world of lower altitudes, cherish the memories of your Upper Dolpo trek and the unique experiences it offered.

  • AccommodationTea House
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude2,345 M

Congratulations! Today marks the successful conclusion of your remarkable Upper Dolpo trek. Here's a breakdown of your itinerary for today:

  • Soaring Back: Enjoy a scenic flight from Jhupal to Nepalgunj. This flight will provide a different perspective of the landscapes you traversed on foot.

  • Kathmandu Bound: From Nepalgunj, you'll catch another flight back to Kathmandu. The flight duration is estimated to be around 60 minutes, allowing you time to relax and reflect on your adventure.

  • Hotel Drop-off: Upon arrival in Kathmandu, you'll be conveniently dropped off at your hotel. This provides a comfortable base to freshen up and unwind after your journey.

  • Celebration or Exploration: The rest of the day is yours to choose how you want to spend it. You can:

    • Relax and Recharge: After weeks of trekking, you might choose to simply relax at your hotel, savor a delicious meal, and take a well-deserved rest.
    • Explore Thamel: If you're feeling energetic, head to Thamel, the lively tourist hub of Kathmandu. Explore the bustling streets, shop for souvenirs, or indulge in local delicacies.
    • Celebrate with fellow trekkers: Tonight might be a perfect occasion to celebrate completing the Upper Dolpo trek with your fellow adventurers. Find a bar in Thamel, share stories, and toast to your achievements!

No matter how you choose to spend your evening, cherish the memories of your unforgettable Upper Dolpo adventure. It was a pleasure assisting you with information throughout your trek. Safe travels back home and all the best for your future adventures!

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

Today sounds like a fantastic opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of Kathmandu and its surrounding areas! Here are some ideas to consider based on your interests:

Cultural and Historical Exploration:

  • Basantapur, Patan, and Bhaktapur: You mentioned your interest in these nearby towns. Each boasts unique cultural and historical experiences:
    • Basantapur: Explore Kathmandu Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its captivating architecture and historical significance. Witness the Kumari Ghar palace, the residence of the living goddess Kumari.
    • Patan: Often referred to as the "City of Beauty," Patan is famous for its intricate metalwork and exquisite woodcarvings. Explore Patan Durbar Square and the magnificent Krishna Mandir temple.
    • Bhaktapur: Step back in time in Bhaktapur, a medieval town renowned for its traditional way of life and well-preserved architecture. Visit the Nyatapola Temple, the tallest pagoda in Nepal, and marvel at the intricate pottery creations.

Shopping Spree:

  • Thamel: If you're looking for souvenirs or local crafts, Thamel is the place to be! This bustling tourist hub offers a plethora of shops selling everything from traditional clothing and pashminas to hand-carved wooden statues and thangka paintings.
  • Durbar Squares: The Durbar Squares in Basantapur, Patan, and Bhaktapur also have local vendors selling interesting souvenirs and handicrafts. You might find unique pieces that capture the essence of these historical places.

Relaxation and Reflection:

  • Garden of Dreams: Located in Thamel, the Garden of Dreams is a tranquil oasis amidst the bustling city. Take a stroll through the beautiful gardens, unwind by the reflecting pool, and enjoy a peaceful escape.
  • Dream Travel and Refresh: After your adventurous trek, you might simply want to relax at your hotel, catch up on some reading, and savor the memories of your Upper Dolpo experience.

No matter how you choose to spend your day, make the most of your time in Kathmandu! Soak in the vibrant atmosphere, explore the rich culture and history, and cherish the memories of your unforgettable journey in Nepal.

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400

It sounds like your Upper Dolpo trek has been an incredible experience! It must be bittersweet to see it come to a close today.

Memorable Journey:

  • As your adventure concludes today, cherish the memories you've made. From conquering high passes to witnessing breathtaking landscapes and experiencing the unique culture of the region, your Upper Dolpo trek will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

Safe Travels Home:

  • Our company representative will ensure a smooth departure. You'll be conveniently transferred to the airport approximately 3 hours before your flight, allowing ample time for check-in and security procedures.

Reflect and Recharge:

  • As you journey home, take time to reflect on the challenges you've overcome, the beauty you've witnessed, and the connections you've made during your trek. Use this time to recharge and plan your next adventure!

Nepal's Allure:

  • The majestic mountains, rich culture, and warm hospitality of Nepal likely have captivated you. Perhaps your next adventure will involve exploring other regions like the Everest Base Camp trek, the Annapurna Circuit, or venturing deeper into the hidden valleys of Nepal.

Thank You and Farewell:

  • It has been a pleasure assisting you throughout your Upper Dolpo trek. We wish you safe travels home and all the best in your future endeavors. May your thirst for adventure and exploration continue to lead you to incredible experiences!

Until next time!

  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

It is our regular itinerary if you are looking for a personalized or planning an offline trip. Please, feel free to share our travel experts.

Cost Details

This challenging 28-day adventure is designed for experienced trekkers seeking an unforgettable journey in the Himalayas. Here's what the cost includes:


  • Comfortable hotel stays in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
  • Tea house lodges during the trek.


  • Domestic flights: Kathmandu to Nepalgunj (one-way), Jomsom (round-trip).
  • Ground transportation: Kathmandu to Pokhara.


  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) during the trek. (Drinks might be extra)


  • All necessary trekking permits for the Upper Dolpo region.


  • Experienced and certified English-speaking guide throughout the trek.
  • Porters to carry your luggage (typically one porter for every two trekkers). Their food, accommodation, salary, insurance, and equipment are also included.

Trekking Equipment:

  • Tents (during camping sections)
  • Dining tents
  • Kitchen tents
  • Toilet tents
  • Mattresses
  • Down sleeping bags (subject to weather conditions)
  • Basic first-aid kit
  • International Flights: Round trip flights to and from Nepal are your responsibility.
  • Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is highly recommended, especially for high-altitude treks.
  • Drinks: While meals are included, drinks (including bottled water, alcohol, and hot beverages like coffee/tea outside of meal times) are typically not covered. Budget accordingly.
  • Personal Expenses: This includes tips for your guides and porters (gratitude is highly encouraged!), laundry charges, personal gear (trekking apparel and footwear), and any souvenirs you might purchase.

Essential Info

Best Time to Go:

  • The trekking season in Upper Dolpo is generally considered to be from mid-September to mid-November and from mid-April to mid-May. During these times, you'll experience clear skies, comfortable temperatures for trekking at high altitudes, and minimal chance of rain or snow.

Difficulty Level:

  • This trek is challenging and requires a good level of fitness. You'll be trekking at high altitudes (reaching over 4,000 meters) with daily ascents and descents. Prior trekking experience, especially in mountainous regions, is highly recommended.

Physical Preparation:

  • Start a training program well in advance of your trip that focuses on cardiovascular endurance, leg strength, and stamina. This will help you prepare for the demanding hikes.

Gear and Clothing:

  • Due to the varying temperatures and potential weather conditions, you'll need a good selection of trekking clothes, including thermals, a waterproof jacket, trekking pants, and sturdy hiking boots. Make sure you have a warm sleeping bag rated for cold temperatures (especially for camping sections).

Altitude Sickness:

  • Be aware of the risks of altitude sickness. Gradual ascent and proper acclimatization are crucial. Consult your doctor for advice.


  • Special permits are required to trek in Upper Dolpo due to its restricted nature. These permits are included in the trek package.

Culture and Language:

  • The Dolpo people have a unique culture and language. While English might be understood by some guides and lodge owners, a basic understanding of Nepali phrases can be helpful.

Money Exchange:

  • Bring Nepali Rupees (NPR) for your trek. You can exchange currency upon arrival in Kathmandu. ATMs are not readily available in remote areas, so plan accordingly.


  • Tipping your guides and porters is customary in Nepal. The amount is at your discretion, but a gratuity is a way to show appreciation for their hard work and service.


  • Cell phone reception can be limited or unavailable in remote areas of Upper Dolpo.  Teahouses might offer Wi-Fi for a fee, but don't rely on consistent connectivity.

Responsible Trekking:

  • Respect the local culture and environment. Pack out all trash and practice Leave No Trace principles.


  • Q1. How difficult is the Upper Dolpo Trek?

    The Upper Dolpo Trek is classified as challenging, not necessarily for the height, but for the duration. It typically ranges from 20 to 28 days, with several high passes to conquer. A good level of fitness and acclimatization are crucial.

  • You'll need three permits: TIMS (Trekkers Information Management System) card, Upper Dolpo Special Permit (issued by Department of Immigration), and Lower Dolpo Permit (if entering Phoksundo National Park). A licensed guide and a minimum of two trekkers are mandatory.

  • The best time is generally considered to be spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November). These seasons offer pleasant weather conditions for trekking at high altitudes.

  • You'll typically stay in lodges or teahouses in villages along the route. Camping is also an option at higher altitudes where lodges aren't available.

  • Yes, a licensed guide is mandatory for the Upper Dolpo Trek. Porters can be hired to carry your backpack, which can make the trek more manageable.

  • Upper Dolpo is a remote region with a strong Tibetan Buddhist influence. The people are known for their traditional way of life and warm hospitality. Respectful interaction with locals is highly encouraged.

  • Regular cardio exercise, strength training, and hiking with a backpack are all recommended to prepare for the physical demands of the trek. Gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your training hikes as your trek date approaches.

  • Due to the high altitude and varying temperatures, pack layers of warm and breathable clothing, sturdy hiking boots, a good sleeping bag, and a headlamp.

  • Dal Bhat (lentils and rice) is a staple dish, along with other basic Nepali cuisine like noodles, potatoes, and vegetables. Be prepared for limited options at higher altitudes.

  • Dal Bhat (lentils and rice) is a staple dish, along with other basic Nepali cuisine like noodles, potatoes, and vegetables. Be prepared for limited options at higher altitudes.

  • Yes, altitude sickness is a risk at high altitudes. Gradual acclimatization is essential. Be aware of the symptoms and know how to respond.

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