Tours to Kailash Mansarovar

Trip Facts
  • Trip Grade Strenuous
  • Destination Tibet
  • Max. Altitude 5613 M
  • Trip Style Tour
  • Trip Type Solo or Group
  • Best Time May - September


  • Spiritual Significance: Set off on a sacred pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, an ancient spiritual center adored by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains devotees alike.
  • Experience amazing Mount Kailash: a snow-capped mountain with religious importance, and Lake Manasarovar, a stunning blue lake that is considered divine.
  • Pilgrimage Experience: Walk the kora, a 56-kilometer circumambulation of Mount Kailash, following in the footsteps of numerous pilgrims over centuries.
  • Cultural Immersion: Learn about Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions while exploring the dynamic metropolis of Kathmandu, Nepal, and Lhasa, Tibet's capital.
  • Tibetan Monasteries: Visit famous monasteries such as Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, and Sera Monastery, which are architectural wonders that showcase Tibetan art and history.
  • Optional Activities: Depending on the package, you may have the opportunity to visit Everest Base Camp, Yamdrok Tso Lake.

Kailash Mansarovar is a holy pilgrimage place in Tibet that is revered by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jain devotees. Mount Kailash is thought to be Lord Shiva's home, while Lake Manasarovar is said to be the source of four important rivers in Asia.

A visit to Mount Kailash is a transforming experience that combines physical struggle with spiritual discovery. Whether you are drawn by religious devotion, the appeal of adventure, or the need for inner peace of mind, the journey to this sacred mountain will provide you with memories that will last your lifetime.

Trip Itinerary

This detailed itinerary provides a clearer picture of the daily activities and highlights of your Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage. Remember, this is a general outline, and the specific details might vary slightly depending on the your preferences.

  • Day 1:Arriving in Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Day 2:Exploring Kathmandu and Travel Briefing
  • Day 3:Enjoy a relaxing day in Kathmandu or Sightseeing
  • Day 4:Acclimatization in Lhasa, Tibet
  • Day 5:Exploring Lhasa, the Heart of Tibetan Buddhism
  • Day 6:Flying to Ngari (Ali) and Manasarovar Lake
  • Day 7:Morning Puja and Drive to Darchen, the Starting Point of the Kailash Kora
  • Day 8:Beginning the Kailash Parikrama: A Journey of Faith and Endurance
  • Day 9:Charan Sparsha - A Day of Spiritual Significance
  • Day 10:The Challenging Dolma La Pass - A Test of Resilience
  • Day 11:Optional Khanda Sanglo Pass
  • Day 12:Inner Kora and Completing the Kailash Parikrama - A Spiritual Climax
  • Day 13:Farewell to Kailash - Bidding Farewell to a Sacred Place
  • Day 14:Returning to Kathmandu - Reconnecting with the City
  • Day 15:Final Departure from Kathmandu - Bidding Farewell to Nepal

  • Touch down at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu, the vibrant capital city of Nepal.
  • You'll be greeted by our representative and transferred to your comfortable hotel.
  • Take some time to relax and adjust to the Kathmandu altitude (1,350 meters).
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

  • Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Kathmandu. Explore the ancient temples and bustling bazaars of Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Witness the captivating prayer wheels and serene atmosphere of Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple.
  • In the afternoon, attend a comprehensive travel briefing where our representatives will discuss the itinerary, answer your questions, and provide valuable insights into the upcoming pilgrimage.


  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

  • Patan Durbar Square: Explore the architectural marvels and intricate craftsmanship of Patan, another historic city within the Kathmandu Valley, renowned for its metalwork and traditional Newari architecture.
  • Bhaktapur Durbar Square: Step back in time and wander through the charming alleys of Bhaktapur, a well-preserved medieval town known as the "City of Devotees."
  • Boudhanath Stupa: Visit the largest stupa (dome-shaped Buddhist monument) in Nepal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and experience the peaceful ambiance as pilgrims circumambulate the stupa.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

  • Take a scenic flight from Kathmandu to Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet.
  • Lhasa sits at a higher altitude (3,650 meters) than Kathmandu, so this day is dedicated to acclimatization.
  • Enjoy leisurely walks around the city, stay hydrated, and avoid strenuous activity to allow your body to adjust to the thinner air.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,650 M

  • Immerse yourself in the spiritual heart of Tibet with a visit to the majestic Potala Palace, the former residence of the Dalai Lama and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Explore the Jokhang Temple, a sacred pilgrimage site for Tibetan Buddhists, and witness the fervent devotion of pilgrims performing kora (circumambulation) around the temple.
  • Learn about Tibetan monastic life at the Sera Monastery, where you might witness energetic chanting debates among young monks.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude3,656 M

  • Take a short flight from Lhasa to Ngari (also known as Ali), a remote town near the sacred Mount Kailash.
  • Embark on a scenic drive to the shores of the holy Lake Manasarovar, believed to be the source of four major Asian rivers.
  • Participate in a puja (worship ceremony) at the lakeside, a deeply spiritual experience for many pilgrims.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,590 M

  • Perform a morning puja at the banks of Lake Manasarovar, seeking blessings for a safe and successful pilgrimage.
  • Drive to Darchen, a small town nestled near the foot of Mount Kailash.
  • Check into your guesthouse and prepare for the start of the sacred Kailash Parikrama  trek tomorrow.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude6,638 M

  • Enjoy on the first leg of the Kailash Parikrama, a 56-kilometer pilgrimage trek around the sacred Mount Kailash.
  • The initial section offers relatively gentle terrain, allowing you to adjust to the high altitude and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
  • Overnight stay at a guesthouse along the kora route.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude6,638 M

  • Experience a pivotal moment on your pilgrimage by reaching the Yamadwar, a gateway symbolizing the entrance to the celestial realm.
  • Witness the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Kailash standing tall at a staggering 6,638 meters (21,778 feet).
  • Perform the sacred "Charan Sparsha" ritual, touching the foot of the mountain believed to represent blessings and spiritual purification.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude6,638 M

  • The most challenging day of the trek arrives as you conquer the Dolma La Pass, the highest point on the kora at 5,630 meters (18,471 feet).
  • Take your time, walk slowly, and appreciate
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,630 M

  • Today presents a choice for adventurous pilgrims. Ascend the Khanda Sanglo Pass, an alternative route considered more challenging than the Dolma La but offering stunning views and the chance to visit the mystical Kuber Kund (pool).
  • Those seeking a less strenuous option can take a lower route, rejoining the main path.
  • Regardless of the chosen route, you'll end the day in the village of Zuthulphuk for an overnight stay.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude5,359 M

  • Start your day with an early morning drive (if permitted) or horseback ride to reach Asthapath.
  • Enjoy on the sacred inner kora, a short trek that takes you past Saptarishi Cave, Nandi (the bull), and Atmalingam (a naturally formed Shiva lingam).
  • Upon completing the inner kora, return to Darchen, marking the successful culmination of your Kailash Parikrama. Celebrate your achievement and enjoy a delicious dinner at your guesthouse.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude6,000 M

  • After a heartfelt farewell to the majestic Mount Kailash, embark on a scenic drive back to Ngari (Ali).
  • Relax and reminisce about the profound experiences of the past days as you enjoy your last night in Tibet.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,500 M

  • Catch a flight from Ngari (Ali) back to Lhasa. In Lhasa, connect to your onward flight that will take you back to Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Relive the unforgettable memories of your pilgrimage and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of Kathmandu once again.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Max. Altitude4,500 M

  • On your final day, our representative will ensure a smooth transfer to Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) for your departure flight home.
  • Carry with you the indelible memories of your transformative journey to Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar.
  • AccommodationHotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude1,400 M

It is our regular itinerary if you are looking for a personalized or planning an offline trip. Please, feel free to share our travel experts.

Cost Details

  • Transportation: Flights between Kathmandu and Lhasa, ground transportation within Tibet, and transfers to/from airports and hotels.
  • Accommodation: Hotels in Kathmandu and Lhasa, guesthouses along the kora route.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the tour (be sure to check if dietary restrictions are accommodated).
  • Permits: Essential permits required for entering Tibet and the Kailash region.
  • Guide Services: An experienced English-speaking Tibetan guide throughout the tour.
  • Support Staff: Often includes cooks, helpers, and porters (depending on the tour operator).
  • Nepali Visa: Needed upon arrival in Nepal.
  • Chinese Visa: Required to enter Tibet (part of China).
  • Travel Insurance: Highly recommended for a high-altitude trip.
  • Gratuities: Tipping your guide and support staff is customary.
  • Personal Expenses: Snacks, drinks not covered in the package, souvenirs, etc.
  • Horse Riding: Choosing to ride horses for some sections of the kora will incur additional costs.
  • Optional Activities: Day trips to other pilgrimage sites or activities may be offered at extra cost.

Essential Info

Best Time to Go:

  • May to September: Generally considered the sweet spot. You'll experience milder weather with less chance of encountering snow on the mountain passes. This makes trekking more enjoyable and reduces the risk of delays due to impassable conditions.

Fitness Level:

  • Be Prepared: This is a physically demanding adventure. High-altitude trekking is involved, so it's crucial to be in good physical condition. Consult your doctor beforehand, especially if you have any pre-existing health concerns. Getting a clean bill of health and discussing altitude sickness prevention strategies is highly recommended.

Permits & Visas:

  • Plan Ahead: Both a Nepal visa (obtained upon arrival) and a Chinese visa (required for Tibet) are necessary. Due to permit limitations, booking your tour well in advance is essential to secure your spot on the kora.

Packing Essentials:

  • Layers: Pack warm clothes! Layering is key to adjusting to the changing temperatures at high altitudes.
  • Footwear: Sturdy hiking boots are a must for the trekking portions of the tour.
  • Sun Protection: Don't forget a sun hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to shield yourself from the strong mountain sun.
  • Lighting: Pack a headlamp for early morning starts or navigating in low-light conditions.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial at high altitudes. Bring a reusable water bottle and purification tablets to ensure a safe and steady supply of water.
  • Medications: Pack any medications you regularly take, along with altitude sickness medication. Let your doctor know about your trip so they can advise on appropriate medication options.
  • Comfort & Cash: Bring comfortable clothes for sightseeing and some extra cash for personal expenses and tipping your guides and support staff.


  • Q1. What is the significance of Kailash Mansarovar?

    Mount Kailash is revered as a sacred peak by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains followers. It's considered the abode of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Lake Manasarovar is a holy lake believed to be the source of four major Asian rivers.

  • The tour is physically demanding due to the high-altitude trekking involved. Being in good physical condition is essential.

  • May to September offers milder weather and less chance of snow on mountain passes.

  • You'll need both a Nepal visa (obtained upon arrival) and a Chinese visa (required for Tibet).

  • Pack warm clothes for layering, sturdy hiking boots, sun protection gear, a headlamp, water bottle with purification tablets, medication (including altitude sickness meds), comfortable clothes, and cash for personal expenses and tipping.

  • The tour involves high-altitude trekking. Consult your doctor and get in good physical condition beforehand.

  • The tour involves high-altitude trekking. Consult your doctor and get in good physical condition beforehand.

  • Due to permit limitations, booking well in advance is crucial, especially during peak season.

  • Nepali visa, Chinese visa, travel insurance, gratuities, personal expenses, and optional activities like horse riding or day trips.

  • The Kora is a 56-kilometer pilgrimage circumambulation around Mount Kailash. It's a sacred walk undertaken by many pilgrims.

  • The trek is challenging due to the high altitude. It's important to go at a slow pace to avoid altitude sickness.

  • Yes, some tours offer horse riding options for parts of the kora at an additional cost.

  • Be aware of altitude sickness and its symptoms. Ascend slowly and allow your body time to acclimatize.

  • Dress modestly when visiting religious sites and be mindful of local customs and traditions.

  • Internet access might be limited, especially in remote areas.

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